- borrowing short to lend 空头借人
- The process of intentionally mismatching the maturities of assets and liabilities by borrowing short and lending long. 指根据对利率未来趋势的预期,刻意使资产与负债的长短期限有明显差距,借此牟取利益。
- Back in the 1970s, during the petrodollar recycling episode, the US operated primarily as a bank lender, borrowing short in its own currency and lending long. 追溯到20世纪70年代,在石油美元的循环时期,美国主要扮演银行贷方的角色,以本币借入短期借款,并发放长期贷款。
- On top of borrowing 50, he asked me to lend him my car. 他向我借了50英镑,此外还向我借汽车。
- A selfish person loves to borrow but hates to lend. *一个自私的人喜欢借进而讨厌借出。
- I'd be glad to lend you the money. 我很乐意借给你钱。
- I got round my father to lend me his car. 我说服了父亲借车给我。
- I got around my father to lend me his car. 我说服了父亲借车给我。
- A grownup man can't change from short to tall in height. 一个成年人不能在身高上由矮变高。
- He never stands aside when he is needed to lend a helping hand. 无论什么时候需要他帮助,他从不袖手旁观。
- I have no money to lend you; I am dead broke myself. 我可没钱借给你,我自己现在连一个子儿也没有了。
- If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again! 你要是以为我能把汽车借给你,你还是另打主意吧。
- The idea of all that sob-stuff was to get me to lend her money. 她说那番伤心话的意思是为了让我借给她钱。
- I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back. 我愿意把钱借给你,你得答应还给我。
- She's too short to reach the top shelf. 她太矮了,够不着架子顶层。
- You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50! 你以为我会借给你50英镑,你准是疯了!
- He walked in, bold as brass, and asked me to lend him 50! 他走进来,厚颜无耻地要我借给他50英镑!
- It can borrow “short” from emerging countries, satisfying their demand for safe, liquid securities, even as it invests “long” in riskier but more rewarding assets overseas. 正当美国做风险更高但是收益更丰的海外长期投资时,它能够从新兴经济体做短期借贷,也好满足他们对安全流动资产的需求。
- He walked in, bold as brass, and asked me to lend him50! 他走进来,厚颜无耻地要我借给他。
- I never promised to lend you my car: you must be dreaming! 我从未答应过把汽车借给你: 你是在做梦吧!